Wahrman Dror. 2019. “‘Facing the Statue of Apollo: A Brief Narrative of Israeli Figurative Painting’.” In A Decade of the Haim Shiff Prize for Figurative-Realist Art,Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Pp. 16-23,328-336.
Wahrman Dror. 2019. “‘Order from Chaos Springs: The Bubbles of 1720 as a Turning Point in Western Conceptualizations of Causality and Order’,.” In S. Condorelli and D. Menning (eds.), Boom, Bust, and Beyond: New Perspectives on the 1720 Stock Market Bubble, Pp. 237-261. Berlin: De Gruyer. Publisher's Version
Wahrman Dror. 2018. “'Media, History and Art: Some Methodological Reflections'.” Media and History, 24:1.
Wahrman Dror. 2017. “'The Creativity of Eighteenth-Century Thought' with Jonathan Sheehan.” In Politics, Religion and Ideology, 18:1: Pp. 96-99.
"Invisible Hands: Self-Organization and the Eighteenth Century"
Jonathan Sheehan and Dror Wahrman. 2015. "Invisible Hands: Self-Organization and the Eighteenth Century" , Pp. 375pp. University of Chicago Press. Link to Amazon
Wahrman Dror and Wahrman Jacob. 2014. “Bida Did Not Make It Up: Removing Shoes in Front of the Western Wall,” Pp. 108-121 .
Wahrman Dror. 2010. “The Meaning of the Nineteenth Century.” Victorian Studies , 53:1 , Pp. 91-99.
Wahrman Dror, Shafir Ron, and Wahrman Jacob. 9/2007. “The Vanishing Station: On the History and Significance of the Jaffa-Jerusalem Railroad.” Cathedra for he History of Eretz Israel and Its Yishuv, 125, Pp. 31-52.
"The Making of the Modern Self"
Wahrman Dror. 2004. "The Making of the Modern Self". Yale University Press. Link to Amazon
"The Age of Cultural Revolutions: Britain and France, 1750-1820, collection of essays"
Wahrman Dror. 1/2002. "The Age of Cultural Revolutions: Britain and France, 1750-1820, collection of essays". Edited by Colin Jones. California University Press. Link to Amazon
Wahrman Dror. 2002. “On Queen Bees and Being Queens: A Late-Eighteenth-Century Cultural Revolution?.” In The Age of Cultural Revolutions, Pp. 251-80. California University Press.
Wahrman Dror. 10/2001. “The English Problem of Identity in the American Revolution.” American Historical Review, Forum on Identity and Politics in the Age of Revolutions, 106, Pp. 1236-1262.
Wahrman Dror. 1999. “Gender in Translation: How the English Wrote their Juvenal, 1644-1815..” Representations, 65, Pp. 1-41.
Wahrman Dror. 5/1998. “Percy's Prologue: From Gender Play to Gender Panic in Eighteenth-Century England.” Past and Present, 159, Pp. 113-60.
Wahrman Dror. 1997. “Habermas's Public Sphere: Thought Experiment or Historical Experience?.” Dvarim Ahadim: Israel Journal of Communication, Culture and Society, 1, Pp. 34-45.
Wahrman Dror. 10/1996. “The New Political History: A Review Essay.” Social History , 21, Pp. 343-54.
Wahrman Dror. 1996. “Public Opinion, Violence and the Limits of Constitutional Politics.” In J. Vernon (ed.), Rereading the  Constitution: New Narratives in the Political History of England's Long Nineteenth Century., Pp. 83-122. Cambridge University Press.
Wahrman Dror. 1995. John Mendel Diness and the Origins of Photography in Jerusalem. Harvard University Press.
